Bloody Skies

by Shatter-Box


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DescriptionBloody Skies is a simple board shooter game. Your goal is to hit as many towers as possible. Sounds sounds easier than it is, but try on your own! GamePlayThere are two types of towers available in this game. They are separated by their top color (blue and red)
Red TowerThis is the currently active tower. This tower is the one which is able to shoot. The bullet will spawn from the top of the tower (the red or blue badge) and will fly with the angle when the shoot was started. If you hit a blue tower, this tower will become the active one (red).
Blue TowerThese are the towers you need to hit with the bullet. The game ends either when the timer hits 0 or your bullet missed its target.
ScoringThe higher the distance between the two towers was, the higher your score will be for the hit.The less the time gap between the shots is, the higher your score will be.
StagesThe game increases its difficulty automatically once a new stage has been reached. You can see the progress of the current score below the board.
SettingsThe game comes with a setting panel. Just click on the small gear icon at the menu screen.
Auto-LoginTurns off or on the automatically prompt login on the game start (only if you are logged out). You can login manually then by clicking the "Ribbon" icon below your highscore on the menu screen.
NotificationsTurns off or on in-game notifications, like the "Your score was successfully submitted to the leaderboard..." and so on. Failure messages cannot be disabled.
Game Over MessageTurns off or on the Game Over Message. If off you can speed up playing.
Notes1) Players can purchase InApp Products with real money. Please be aware of this if you let play this game by your children.2) We are using Google Analytics to improve our game (anonymous). See more in our Privacy Policy linked below in the footer.3) If you have any questions, issues or suggestions, feel free to contact us!